For home deliveries, click the link above or text 0274 363 978 for details

For home deliveries, please enquire on 0274 363 978
$18.00 per 21.5L bottle (5 bottle minimum)
$20.00 per 21.5L bottle (3 bottle minimum)
$24.00 per 21.5L bottle (1 or 2 bottles)
Refundable bottle deposit is $15.00 per bottle
Available in Auckland City area only.
Our Stockists
ecostore, Freemans Bay AWA East Auckland Meditaste Grey Lynn
1 Scotland St, Auckland 180 Bucklands Beach Road 407 Richmond Rd
Refill Nation Boric Market, Coatesville Prime Range Fresh
410 Titirangi Road 1404 Coatesville-Riverhead Hwy 140 Apiriana Ave
Plum Organics, Papamoa HealthyWorld Binn Inn Wholefoods
Suite 2, 22 Gravatt Road 95 Church St, Onehunga 132 Onehunga Mall Rd
City Convenience, Auckland The Natural Health Co Naturally Healthy
1|18 Beach Road 9/10 Wellington St 715 Grey St, Hamilton
The Urban Market The Binn Inn, Warkworth The Fresh Market Ellerslie
216 King Street, Pukekohe 11 Elizabeth St 19 Kalmia St, Ellerslie
Meditaste Browns Bay Binn Inn, Stonefields be. Organics
7/25 Anzac Rd, Browns Bay 59 Lunn Avenue, Stonefields 6 Tawa St, Mt Manganui
Hardy’s Health
Northwest Shopping Mall
1-7 Fred Taylor Drive, Akl
This is awa
Almost 200 years ago sailors discovered the qualities of the water under Riverhead. They sailed to the end of the Waitemata Harbour to fill their ships with the very best drinking water. Now you too, can enjoy the high pH alkaline water aotearoa.
Living Water
AWA is a living water - so it is important to keep it out of
direct sunlight.
Why Red?
The red in the AWA label is inspired by the red hot magma which erupted thousands of years ago. It is thanks to this volcanic activity that our artesian water contains the minerals that make it so unique.
Kiwis For Kiwi
As a New Zealand owned and operated business we believe in giving back. We support Kiwis for Kiwi by donating a portion of sales from every refill.
Richard Macdonald
TEXT 0274 363 978 FOR INFO.
Delivery available in Auckland Central only.
Now with three re-fillable container options which are all part of our Circular Economy.
Available in 5L, 15L and 21.5L.

What’s in AWA?
pH - 9.4 (seasonal variations +/- 10% at the time of filling)
Total Dissolved Solids - g/m3 270
Alkalinity - g/m3 as CaCO3 188
Silica - 22 mg/l
Calcium - g/m3 1.13
Manganese - g/m3 0.00064
Magnesium - g/m3 0.048
Potassium - g/m3 0.29
Sodium - g/m3 97
Bromide - g/m3 0.11
Bromate - g/m3 less than 0.005
Chloride - g/m3 27
Reflective Silica - g/m3 as SIO2 22
Sulphate - g/m3 0.6
This is WATER
After 12 months of trials with both UV and Ozone we found our special, ancient, AWA is most suited to sterilisation by ozone. Every cube is also steam cleaned at 80-100.C.
BPA free
Our 20 litre cubes are made locally and are proudly BPA free. This means they won't contain the harmful chemicals found in other plastics.
AWA is bottled at source from an isolated Riverhead property with the bore depth of 190 metres, established since 1987.
The Circular Economy
Waste seems to be commonly accepted in todays world. But it doesn’t need to be. Reduce waste by returning and refilling with AWA.
Given AWA is produced locally, we have one of the smallest carbon footprints. It is only available with home delivery or through a select number of stores using the sustainable Swap-A-Bottle model.
This is water. This is AWA.